Likes and Dislikes

Likes and Dislikes is a quiet and enjoyable parlor game which is suited to adults and older children who have developed a sense of what they do and do not enjoy. It is useful as an ice-breaker game to introduce people who do not know each other very well.

Age: Adults and older children

No. of players: 6+

Equipment: Paper and pencil for each player

Time: 10 minutes+

Aim: To guess the identity of each person, given a list of the things they like and don't like.

1. Each person secretly writes a list of five things they like and five things they do not like. For example, one player may write the following list;

    Like: Apples, rain, books, fishing, Christmas
    Dislike: Politicians, winter, traffic lights, the colour blue, this game!

2. The lists are collected and one person reads them out. Everyone tries to guess who the person is by their list.

3. There are no winners or losers in this game. Family members or good friends may need to make their list a little harder for other players to guess, but they must still be truthful!

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