Spelling Games

Free kids spelling games, fun to play, easy to make, perfect for families to play together

Do you have a child that seems to struggle with his or her spelling? Some children seem to be natural spellers while others seem to always have difficulty with it.

I have some of both. Out of my seven children I have four who are natural spellers and three who have always found it an effort.

If you would like to encourage your child to improve in his or her spelling ability without putting too much pressure on them, then playing games is a fun way to do this.

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Here are a few, simple, free spelling games you can play as a family which involve spelling or knowing the alphabet. You may be able to use some of them to reinforce and practise your child's weekly spelling words. Otherwise just use them to have fun with words. The more your child practises using and seeing words the more he or she will eventually pick up and remember.

As you play, talk and laugh together, not only will your child's spelling improve but you will be building something far more important in your family relationships.

Kids Spelling Games

Click on the highlighted game of your choice below and you will be taken to a page with full instructions on how to make and play the game.



Hangman - A popular spelling game for 2 or more players
Ages: 5+

Acrostics - A word building game to challenge spelling and vocabulary skills
Ages: 6+

Boxwords - An intriguing word building game for 2 or more players
Ages: 6+

Telegrams - Create a telegram-style message from a given series of letters
Ages: 6+

Click here if you would like to play more pen and paper games.



Sentences - A fun word game resulting in some very strange sentences!
Ages: 6+

The Great Panjandrum (Poison Letter) - An enjoyable word game which requires quick thinking
Ages: 6+

I Spy - A perfect game to introduce your young spellers to the alphabet
Ages: 2+

Consonant Challenge - A quick and easy alphabet word game which only takes a few minutes to play
Ages: 6+

Snip - A lively spelling word game for 6 or more players
Ages: 6+

Word Chains - A great game to reinforce syllables
Ages: 6+

Click here if you would like to play more word games.



Alphabet Spotting - A delightful travel game to reinforce alphabetical skills
Ages: 6+

Initial It - Another fun word game to play while traveling
Ages: 5+

Silly Sentences - A silly but fun game for the whole family using car registration plates
Ages: 5+

Word Wise - A more challenging game to play with car registration plates
Ages: 6+

Click here if you would like to play more travel games.

We hope you enjoy playing these free spelling games for kids. If you would like to play more games with your children to help improve their learning skills then have a look at these free educational games.

Link to Educational Math Games
Link to Educational Strategy games
Link to Vocabulary Games

Link to other Board Games
Link to other Dice Games
Link to other Card Games
Link to other Tile (Domino) Games
Link to other Pen and Paper Games
Link to other Word Games
Link to other Traveling Games

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