Twenty Questions

Twenty Questions is one of the most popular word games and is an excellent game for car trips or family reunions.

Age: All ages

No. of players: 4 or more

Equipment: None

Time: 10 minutes+

Aim: The aim is to guess an object by asking a series of questions.

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1. One player thinks of any object, with the other players taking turns to ask a question while trying to work out the object's identity. The first player can only answer "Yes", "No" or "Irrelevant".

2. The object chosen cannot be too obscure (for example, a "Galloon" which is a close-woven braid) or too precise (for example, a "dinosaur" would be acceptable but a "Tyrannosaurus Rex" would be too specific.

3. A player can guess the identity of the object at any time during their turn but if they are wrong they are out of the game for the rest of the round.

4. If no one guesses the object by the time the twentieth question has been answered, the first player tells them what it was and can choose another object for the next round. A player who correctly guesses the object can choose a new object for the next round.

Thanksgiving Variation: Players think of something they are thankful for. It may be a favourite person, place, food, toy, pet, etc.

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