I Spy

I Spy is one of the easiest and best known word games. It is suitable for adults and children who can spell (or at least guess the first sound of a word correctly). Younger children may need help with sounds and letters. It is great for long car trips, but is suitable for playing anywhere and anytime.

Age: All ages

No. of players: 2 or more

Equipment: None

Time: 10 minutes+

Aim: The aim is to guess an object from its initial.

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1. One player starts by choosing an object they can see at that time (which is also visible to all the other players). They say, "I spy, with my little eye, something beginning with B" assuming the object started with the letter B.

2. The other players take turns to guess the object. The first player to guess it correctly gets to choose a new object for the next round, starting with any letter.

3. For example, a player sees a "belt" and says, "I spy, with my little eye, something beginning with B". The players may guess "bag", "bottle", book", "back" and so on before finally guessing "belt". The next player may see a window and say, "I spy, with my little eye, something beginning with W" to start the next round.

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