My Ladys Toilet

My Ladys Toilet is a favourite game among the children in England. The word 'toilet' refers to the articles needed to get dressed; such as a comb, socks, watch, coat, scarf, hat, etc.

Age: 8+

No. of players: 10 or more

Equipment: One chair per player

Time: 10+ minutes

Aim: To avoid having your chair taken by the maid.

1. Before the game is played, place a chair for each player (except for the maid) in a circle facing the middle.

2. Choose one player to be the lady's maid. This player stands in the middle while the remaining players sit on their chair facing her.

3. Each player chooses the name of an item used in dressing. For example; brush, comb, shoes, watch, scarf, handkerchief, slippers, etc.

4. The lady's maid says, "My Lady is ready to make her toilet and wants her comb. The player who is the comb must jump up, turn around quickly and repeat his name, 'Comb' before sitting down again. The lady's maid will continue calling out people's names.

5. If the lady's maid calls out 'Toilet!' then everyone must jump up and turn around quickly. During this play the lady's maid must try and sit in a chair belonging to one of the players.

6. The player without a chair is the new maid in the middle.

Source: Adapted from Games Around the World 4H LAL 90

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