Easter Picture Hunt

Easter Picture Hunt is a delightfully simple indoor Easter egg hunting game especially designed for small children who are at the pre-reading stage.

Age: Young children

No. of players: 2 or more

Equipment: An Easter egg per child or per clue; one or more picture clues per child.

Time: Approximately 5 minutes

Aim: To find the Easter egg that matches the picture clue.

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1. Preparation: Choose a hiding place for each egg then draw a picture of the hiding spot on a piece of paper. Use one egg per hiding spot. For only one or two children you may want them to have a second or third go.

2. Give each child one picture clue and on the word "Go" they try and work out where to find the egg.

3. Repeat the game as many times as you like. Each child is a winner when they find their matching egg.

Examples of picture clues: lounge; bed, pillow, microwave oven, wall oven, sink, chair, piano, bathroom cabinet, wardrobe. If your drawing skills are not up to scratch then take a digital picture of the hiding spot and print it out. Alternatively, click here for our drawings (which may not be any better than yours!!)

Variation: The first drawing or picture may lead to a second picture clue and so on for a number of clues before their final clue reveals the hiding spot.

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