Balloon Flights

Balloon Flights is a quick and easy party game to play. Players of all ages will enjoy this silly, but amusing contest.

Age: All ages

No. of players: 2 or more

Equipment: A different coloured balloon for each player, blown up to similar sizes

Time: 5+ minutes

Aim: To flick the balloon furthest.

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1. Players form a line, side by side, in a straight row.

2. Give each player a blown up balloon or have them blow their balloons up to a standard size. Players must balance their balloon on the palm of one hand. If the balloons are all the same colour then mark them with the players' initials.

3. On the count of "One, Two, Three, Go" each player must flick their balloon with the thumb and forefinger of their other hand.

4. The winner is the player who can make their balloon travel the furthest.

Christmas variation: Use balloons with the Christmas colours (red and green), with players' names or initials written on them.

Easter variation: Decorate the balloons to look like Easter bunnies.

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