Decipher the Code is a challenging as well as entertaining Easter egg hunt game where the players have to decode the secret message before they can find the Easter egg. The secret codes may be number codes, letter replacement codes, Morse code, Braille or any kind of code you can devise yourself.
Age: All ages
No. of players: 2 or more
Equipment: An Easter egg for each participant; a secret message written in code for each participant (click here for examples of secret codes); a watch
Time: 10 minutes+
Aim: To decipher the secret code and find the Easter egg.
Decipher the Code will require advanced preparation for this game to be played successfully.
1. Preparation for the game: Create some coded messages which will lead the player to the Easter egg. For young children you may only need to create one message. Older children may like to decode more than one message. If using more than one message, place the messages in their appropriate hiding places so that one code will lead to the hiding place of the next. Click here for examples of secret codes.
2. Give each player their first secret code. They must decipher the code before they can proceed any further. Once they have deciphered the message, it may lead to the next clue which they also have to decipher. The final clue will lead them to their Easter egg.
3. Time each child to see who can decipher their messages in the fastest time.
Variation 1: Have only one secret message to decipher but it may be cryptic meaning that they will need to search carefully for their egg.
Variation 2: Have more than one secret message to decipher. The final one will lead to the egg.
Variation 3: Children may prefer to work in pairs to decipher the secret messages. Just make sure that there are enough Easter eggs at the end of the trail.
Click here for examples of secret codes.
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