Easter Treasure Hunt is an intriguing clue hunting game for clever detectives where one clue leads to the hiding place of the next clue until the final clue leads to the secret, hidden treasure. The clues for this game are rather cryptic and will require imaginative thinking on the part of the child. See the end of the game if you would like an easier clue hunt.
Age: Around the ages of 8 - 10 years and older
No. of players: 2 or more
Equipment: An Easter egg for each child; a series of clues written on small cards for each player
Time: 10 minutes+
Aim: To decipher the clues and find the hidden Easter egg.
Easter Treasure Hunt requires some creative and ingenious preparation prior to the game but it is worth the effort. Your children will have an enormous amount of fun playing this hunting game and it will become a special lifelong memory.
1. To prepare for the game: You will need to think up a series of clues for each child - one set of clues per child. The solution to one clue will lead to the next clue and so on until the final clue leads to the hidden Easter egg. Click here for examples of clue ideas which you can use or adapt for your own situation.
2. Hide the clues in their various locations with the Easter egg treasure in the final location.
3. Give each child their first clue and send them off on their hunt until they find their "secret treasure".
Variation 1: If you have a number of children playing this game, or you think a child may need help, then they could work in pairs to decipher the clues with two prizes to be found at the end.
Variation 2: Instead of trying to come up with clues for each child, send one child off first, as he comes to the next location he reads the clue and then puts it back for the next player to find. Just make sure you have enough 'treasure' for everyone at the end.
Click here for examples of clue ideas which you are welcome to print and use.
For an easier version see Easter Clue Hunt which uses one word clues.
Another hunt suitable for older children is Decipher the Code where each player must work out the key to solving the code before hunting for their Easter egg.
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